Dietary advice frustrations are so common in patient care these days. There's no doubt the emergence of technology and availability of so much information both on and offline is had tremendous advantages in many aspects of life as well as health care. Unfortunately, like much of the rest of the world, data manipulation, filtering, and censorship are everywhere. Information regarding health care, weight loss, disease management and so much more can be promulgated by anyone, anywhere.
It takes nothing for someone to post a website, put up a "shingle" so to speak and sell you a boatload of dietary supplements, devices to treat this condition, that condition etcetera.
Now while there may be some good here, the reality is in private practice we see so many patients who end up confused, broke and embarrassed. So often, they feel taken advantage of. This is why one of the most important things to us is to integrate information and counseling on diet, lifestyle, nutrition etcetera into our private practice, as well as our social media.
In this video, I talked about the concerns patients share with us on a regular basis. Please take a few minutes watch it, share your comments and tell us how we can better help you as we help design a better future in private practice. ~
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