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Marshfield PCP John Hayes Jr MD - Peripheral Neuropathy, Walking and Balance Issues


One of the things we commonly see in patients afflicted with peripheral neuropathy and Related Disorders is a change or loss in what's called proprioception or position sense. And this manifests sometimes as difficulty walking or loss of balance or both. It's something of course can be very severe because the major risk of course is falls. But there are some strategies that you can take to be sure that you're doing everything you possibly can about this. Number one is you've got to make sure you have an accurate underlying diagnosis. Don't fall for online scams regarding neuropathy or loss of sensation or you're going to reverse this or reverse that because you need an accurate diagnosis first. That's got to be number one so see a competent physician. The second thing is that if you are afflicted with changes in proprioception there are some things that we know can be effective. Number one and the most appropriate is supervised balance and coordination exercises that we can help you with and physical therapy can help follow through with. The other things that we have found to be very helpful is appropriate neurostimulation. vibratory therapy etc. So don't give up hope! The reason I'm doing this video today is it seems to be more commonly noticed as the Colder Weather hits and I don't know if that's a combination of just temperature changes or what's called vasoconstriction or blood vessels closing down. In any event be careful! We're here to help you! Questions concerns anything we do to help you or your other physicians help you with regarding peripheral neuropathy, it's something that we've been taking care of for a good long time. All right guys thanks so much take care enjoy the rest of your day!

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